Tuesday, April 8, 2014

How we made butter and buttermilk.

I was ask by my oldest son one day "how do you make buttermilk"..well, it was a little bit of trouble but was sure good. You would usually milk the cow twice a day and that sure gave a family a lot of milk for drinking, whipped cream, butter and buttermilk. Always when you brought the milk in from the barn you would strain it and put it in the icebox.
People in the early days did not have electricity and used an ice box. After the milk cooled the cream would rise to the top. If you wanted whipped cream then you could skim off some for that. If you weren't going to make buttermilk or whip cream you simply stirred up the milk and  had a very rich milk to drink.

In order to make the butter and buttermilk you would set it out of the ice box and let it 'sour and clabber up.'. Next step you put it in a churn, then put newspaper under the churn so it wouldn't splash all over the floor while churning.  You would stand there and churn that thing for hours..it must have been hours..Finally, after peeking in several times to see if butter was forming on top you would eventually be rewarded for all your work. Butter was on top and you would then dip that out into a bowl and keep stirring it until all the milk was worked out and you could then put it in a mold and make a pound of butter or simply in a dish. The milk left in the churn was buttermilk. It had little specks of butter in it and you had delicious buttermilk. A lot of people loved drinking it or it was  so good to cook with. In my opinion the buttermilk sold in stores today is not to be compared to what we had then. Of course, now you just buy it and don't go to all the other trouble.

Romans 8:38-39
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future,nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate me from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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